Watching my son growing up with an ASD diagnosis that I never had sheds a lot of light on how my own mind works. When I watch him fly into a rage and begin looping I realize that he is a piece of me. When I watch him hyper-focus and grok something completely, that's a piece of me too. While I'm frequently frustrated by social interaction, I'm not sure I'd be as good at some of things I excel at if I weren't neuro-atypical, the same goes for Max.
I played sports throughout my childhood but the getting of the trophies was always an anti-climax; something I tried to find ways out of. I loved the competition but found no value in the social conventions around the awards ceremonies. A lot of teammates couldn't understand my reticence, for them the glory was the point.
Social conventions have always been difficult for me to grasp. The natural tribalism that neurotypical people seem to thrive on is foreign, abstract and often upsetting. Obviously definable traits that other people cling to like religion, nationality and political affiliation seem like strange abstractions to me. Even obvious associations like gender and orientation seem like affectations. Would life be easier if I just fell into those assumptions and social conventions like most people do? Probably.

This has led to ongoing difficulties, especially with groups that thrive on hierarchy and social presentation (which is to say most of them). Because I'm not bothered with the group dynamic I'm seen as an outsider and potentially disruptive to the organization. People who get a charge out of the drama and politics of group dynamics find it easy to alienate me from a group, and tend to do so.

This is made doubly tiring because of the career I've wandered into. Teaching is a social process, and while I love the intellectual complexity of pedagogy, technology and curriculum I'm constantly frustrated by the political and social vagaries associated with it. Whether it's union, administration or parental social expectation, I'm often oblivious to what people require of me and baffled by their approach. I expect ethics and reason to dictate people's actions, but those things aren't guiding principles in many decisions. Self interest hidden in socially normative ideas like class, religion or group politics are what drive most people.
I recently backed out of headship and tried to refocus on the parts of teaching I'm good at rather than trying to herd the cats. Even when refocusing on teaching I find that I'm having a lot of trouble with social expectations. In 2017 a student's attendance is voluntary, their willingness to learn optional, and any failure hung on anyone but the learner. Parents can pull their child out of classes for weeks at a time in the middle of a semester and I shouldn't wreck their holiday by assuming they will keep up with class work while they're gone. At some point teaching has turned into daycare, which means the things I enjoy (curriculum, genuine student growth and pedagogy) don't matter so much any more. For someone who doesn't intuitively understand socially motivated change, this lack of clarity around the evolving expectations of our education system is very challenging; it has been a bewildering and upsetting semester at work.

I can only speak from my own experience, but if it meant losing my ability to focus on creative and technical expression, which happens because I'm not predisposed toward social or political gamesmanship, then no, I wouldn't seek to become less of what I am.
I'd let Max decide for himself after researching the science, but I'd hope he values his independence and uniqueness of thought as well, even if it generally annoys other people and isn't the easiest way forward.

Conformity is Happiness.
Think Different.
WIRED thinking on neurodiversity.
The only reason neurotypical people want you to think like them is so that they can predict what you'll do and manipulate it to their advantage.
Why play to that?