CyberTitan is the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) of Canada's national competition for Canadian students interested in developing skills in cyber security. We've become so dependant on ICT infrastructure that it underpins many other critical systems like our food delivery, energy and finance sectors. Yet this critical infrastructure is taught as an afterthought in Ontario's education system (even as it becomes instrumental in delivering curriculum in all other areas of learning). Being able to secure and maintain ICT infrastructure isn't a nice idea, it's increasingly a life and death one.
ICTC's creation of the CyberTitan program is a forward thinking move. With one of the largest job vacancy rates of any field and while other countries create military and civilian agencies to develop this new expression of ill intent, cyber security is being ignored at our own peril, but ICTC is trying to do something about it.
We went to last year's nationals in Fredericton and had a fantastic experience. Three of our team had never left the province or been on a plane before. The competition took a radical turn from the Cyberpatriot rounds we'd done previously, but we did our best and managed a fifth place finish being beaten only by teams who have been doing this for years through the American Cyberpatriot competition.
This year we hit the ground running in September. I'd already arranged a senior team and an all female team, but interest was so high I took the hit and paid the late fee for another team of interested junior students before realizing my department budget had been eviscerated and this would drive me into the red. Those students named themselves the Cybears and stunned everyone by topping our scores in the first two rounds of Cyberpatriot, the US run competition that CyberTitan follows in the early rounds. Cyberpatriot tiers the teams after the two opening rounds and then pitches challenges to each tier depending on their ability. Platinum teams are still in the hunt for the world wide title but lower tiers still get to compete for top of tier and wildcard prizes.
Since this was our first time seeing platinum level challenges, the State Round was a rough ride for our Cybears. They didn't manage to finish in the top 25% of platinum teams worldwide and as a result they are out of the semi-final round coming up next week. Having to tell our strongest team that they are out wasn't easy, but it did shed light on how we got to nationals last year and how the competition is organized.
Last year we struggled at the beginning but got better and better each round. We ended up Gold tiered and in the State Round had our best run yet, which is what got us to the Canadian Nationals - CyberTitan only looks at State Round results and doesn't seem to take tiering into account. Platinum teams trying to climb Everest are considered on equal footing with Gold and Silver teams climbing Blue Mountain or a mole hill. It would be like having some students write a 4C exam and others a 4U exam and then considering the grades as equal.
This led to an interesting conversation with the frustrated Cybears who, had they backed off on points in the early rounds would have landed in an easier tier and had a direct run to a top score in the State Round. Do we play dumb and get an easier tier to get higher scores at the end? That's the path we unknowingly took to the national finals last year.
In talking it through we all eventually came around to the same conclusion: we go full bore the whole time even if it means a tougher time later on in the competition. The goal should be to go Platinum and then qualify for the national semifinals and get through the hard way. This puts us in the best possible place to actually win Nationals. We could be cunning and play this to get easier tiers and game our way into the Nationals, but just getting to Nationals isn't the point, improving our skills and being competitive in it is.

Last year's nationals was a very male centric contest. This doesn't surprise me as finding females willing to stick with digital technologies has been an ongoing struggle at my conservative, rural school. The all-female staff of ICTC people at the Nationals noted the lack of female competitors. Getting women into technology is an ongoing battle, but more than a wildcard entry, I'd love to see the Terabytches win their way into the National finals and be the first all female team to do it. I'd then like to see them take a serious run at winning it.
Unlike last year when we built a team of graduating seniors who all left us for university, this year we only have one or two graduating seniors. We have already seen a significant step forward in terms of raising our skills and knowledge of cybersecurity (all three teams beat last year's team's State Round score). By being able to cultivate talent and build experience year over year, our future teams in this competition look promising indeed.
Two Gold Tier finishes in the 2019 State Round - nice to see! |
The Cyberpatriot competition does a lot of things that align with Ontario's computer technology curriculum. Joining it gives you access to Cisco's Netacademy while also encouraging focus on what to get better at quickly. The maintenance work we do in Windows 8.1, 10 and Server aligns with Skills Ontario's IT & Networking scope, acting as a great review for our Skills competitors. We struggle with Linux, but understanding Unix based operating systems is vital for web development, another Skills Ontario scope we're chasing, so getting better there is no bad thing.
Friday, February 1st, while everyone else is writing day four exams thanks to some nasty winter weather, I've arranged to have all my competitors' exams bumped to Monday and we'll be in a six hour battle to see if we can win our way to the National Finals for the second year in a row. I hope both teams show up ready to do their best work. As long as we're running at 100% of our capacity, the results don't really matter, though when we're this close it'd be nice to win!
It looks like at least two eastern division teams are ahead of us on points, so it looks like our 2018-19 CyberTitan drive is at an end. |
The Cybeavers were as strong as ever in Windows, where they were consistently near or at the top of the country. They struggled in Linux but came in at about the State Round average number of points in that category, so held their own. The Cisco networking once again stumped them, causing us to lose places and ultimately fall short of at least two other eastern division teams, which means we're probably finished.

If you're trying to drum up interest in ICT in your school, this is a good way to do it!