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A grade 8 career fair last week had my senior computer engineering students giving hundreds of grade 8s their first glimpse of virtual reality. |
When they first find themselves in Google's Tiltbrush, students tend to either scribble in 3d, write in space or, on occasion, try and build something intentionally three dimensional because they're realize where they're working. With a steady stream of students trying it for the first time on Thursday, this kept happening until something different occurred.
When you get a student who knows how to draw they tend to sketch quite effectively in the virtual space, though it tends to be based on 2d thinking (like they're drawing on paper). We had a girl who had never tried VR before but obviously knew how to sketch enter the HTC Vive virtual space, but rather than working in 2d she immediately began sculpting 3d shapes.
This immediately caught the eye of the gifted grade 12 I had operating the system. He got our attention and we watched her build out complex, identifiable 3d shapes. What made it more amazing was that she was doing this without moving her head. She was drawing in 3d but from a 2d perspective without even seeing what she was doing. Everyone around the VR sets stopped what they were doing to watch something special.
Afterwards her teacher came up to me and said she was ASD and not very verbal. I imagine the school system sees her as an expensive non-standard student but what we saw was a kind of genius. Our gifted VR operator certainly thought she was exceptional, and not in a bad way. Perhaps it requires an exceptional intelligence to recognize another exceptional intelligence.
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POND Family day. One of the largest sources of data on neuro-atypical children in the world and based in Ontario! Our family is part of the DNA research and our son volunteered to get fMRI'd as well. |
Where other people seem to require social interaction in order to be happy, I am very much an introvert. There are few cases where I find people who engage rather than drain me. I tend to go to ground after a week of teaching because I'm all peopled out.
The research presented by the Ontario Brain Institute was very interesting, and frustrating. Google has been doing fantastic open source computing work doing the heavy lifting with sequencing genome data for neuro-atypical brains, but the process is still in its infancy. We need much more data from more people and faster computers to narrow down the genomic complexities of neurological issues like ASD. The current thinking is that ASD isn't caused by one or even a few genes, but by complex interactions between hundreds of them. Understanding this process will require many people providing data to a massive computing effort.

The speaker had an even better answer. She said this is awkward because she's a psychiatrist and the issue isn't whether or not this is a physical or mental diagnosis but instead an indictment of the government and society in general's stigmatization of mental illness. It doesn't end at mental illness though. If you aren't neurotypical, you aren't accorded the same rights and access to care. The goal should be to enable all people to reach their potential, the type of diagnosis is irrelevant. This got a big round of applause too.

I often think that if the school system doesn't destroy him, my son is going to grow up to do something exceptional precisely because he doesn't think like everyone else.
If you look at a movie from the '80s you'll find that we've come a long way in how we treat gender and sexuality differences. If you watch a film from the 1950s you'll see that we've come a long way in how we treat racial differences, but differences in how we think are still a place of stubborn prejudice.
Last year at a Head's meeting I suggested that neuro-atypical people should be in teaching. They will cause it to change by offering different approaches that might improve the system as a whole. Our head of guidance thought this was ridiculous. Outliers shouldn't be teaching or even in education. Education should be about moulding students to society's expectations. I've never felt more disenfranchised by the education system than I did at that moment, and I've frequently felt disenfranchised by it both as a student and a teacher. I guess people will always find a systemic reason to identify and diminish another group of people for their own benefit.

A good place to start would be to take away the distinction between physical and psychological diagnosis and treat all students to the same support. That might mean breaking down the systemic, grade based process of education by introducing purely individually driven learning goals and achievements. My son may not graduate on time because the system he is in seems designed specifically to not work with how he thinks, but he'll get there eventually, and it would be nice if he wasn't constantly being told he was a failure when he does. The chances of him going on to develop his unique talents in spite rather than because of his education would be much greater if he doesn't feel like the rest of society thinks him a loss.
Education, like socio-economic status, is an invented sense of superiority. If you do well at something designed specifically for you, have you really done anything of value? If you struggle to do well in a system specifically designed to work against you, are you a failure? Neurotypicals might not be able to use their customized education to grant themselves social advantage any more, but can you imagine an education system in which every student was able to minimize their weaknesses while maximizing their strengths without some shortsighted idiot judging them? The human race would flourish in the diversity of ideas that would bloom from those graduates. We only have to get past our prejudices to get there.
Austim & History - where would we be without these people?
8 Inspiring People with ASD
Putting Students into VR for the first time shows many ommonalities, and exceptionalities...