The people giddiest about Christmas seem to be the ones who least need it. The giant family Christmases enjoyed by big happy families do a great job of emphasizing what many others don't have. The kids most excited about presents are the ones most likely to receive them. As a socio-economic division, Christmas does a wonderful job of reminding many people of what they don't have.
When you see students getting more and more brittle and tense about the oncoming holiday, you have to wonder what they are looking forward to when that last bell rings and they are 'on holiday' for two weeks.
The manic happiness that a seeming majority feel at this time of year drives many of us who are just hoping to survive Christmas underground.
I received a lifeline in an unexpected place this year. At yoga on Monday after Shavasana our instructor talked about the kind of 'radical self love' that comes from taking a moment for yourself during this highly pressurized holiday season to find calmness. In looking after yourself you end up looking after those around you.
Christmas is all about giving, but sometimes the best thing you can give is taking a moment to restore your own sanity. Everyone around you will thank you for it.